
Guy that announced diablo immortal
Guy that announced diablo immortal

guy that announced diablo immortal

Uldyssian fought the demon off and was able to craft the water into a mirror of ice as Diablo rose to face him. He offered Uldyssian his own allegiance, pointing out the dogmatic thinking of Inarius and Heaven, of the "sin" they saw as being inherent in Sanctuary. Inarius agreed, and Malic (a servant of Diablo through the Triune) entered the angel's service.ĭiablo later came into contact with Uldyssian himself, after the nephalem nearly drowned. As Diablo pointed out, however, this would not be the first time that Inarius would have consorted with demons. Diablo offered an alliance, a proposal that left Inarius aghast. Less gratifying was Inarius seeing through his charade, that Uldyssian had become a threat to the Prime Evils' plans for Sanctuary. Diablo was gratified to sense the angel's fear. The Triune was nonetheless wiped out, and Diablo confronted Inarius directly. Diablo was interested in Uldyssian's might, especially in light of the demise of Gulag (a servant of Baal). Astrogha, Diablo's minion, reported to his master. In the last days of the Sin War, events were complicated with the emerge of the Edyrem, a group led by the nephalem Uldyssian who sought to end the influence of both the Triune and Cathedral of Light. The Triune's efforts to ensnare humanity were hindered by the rogue angel Inarius however, who founded the Cathedral of Light. "Dialon" was said to bring purpose to humanity, and carried the "Tablets of Order." Each of the Primes took on an alter ego for worship and in Diablo's case, he was known as Dialon, the Spirit of Determination, represented by a ram in Triune iconography. To this end, they founded the Triune-a seemingly benevolent religion that was actually a front for their true motives. Sensing the dormant power within humanity and reasoning it could be turned to suit their own ends, the Prime Evils began a campaign to tip humanity over to their side. Diablo informed his brothers of this new world's existence. However, due to the actions of the Vizjerei, the powers of Hell came to learn of the existence of Sanctuary and its inhabitants-creatures that had been born from the coupling of angels and demons. The Eternal Conflict came to a halt with the disappearance of the Worldstone.

Guy that announced diablo immortal